Plying Roses

More on the spinning marathon from last weekend. I started plying my Roses singles as the shadows started to get super long.

These singles plied fairly well. I did have some thin spots where I had to rejoin as I was plying. And FOR SURE there are some thick spots disburse in this yarn. But overall I was happy with the yarn that came out. It’s still unwashed so I have zero clue what it came out to. I really need to get to this weekend for the washing and whacking.

Oh, and I was TOTALLY right about the uneven bobbins. I had so much left on the second bobbin. I didn’t feel like messing around so I chain plied this last little bit to make a mini skein. Silver lining I guess?

Finished skeins next week! Happy Spinning!!

2 thoughts on “Plying Roses

  1. Pingback: A Rose In Two Form | My Tangled Yarn Knitting Adventures

  2. Pingback: Plying Roses | Matthew 7:15 KJV Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

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