Cast On: Spooky Vanilla Socks

With my Pot O Gold bummer I needed a pick me up. I’ve been flirting with the idea of doing Socktober KAL with the Carlina Fiber Girls podcast in addition to 2016 Pigskin Party KAL with the Down Cellar Studio podcast. The result is this beauty from my stash..

This is Berry Colorful Yarnings Spooky color on her sock base. I would get points for yardage and sponsor year for the Pigskin Party. And points for just the sock in Socktober. I’m crazy right?

I’m working a 70 stitch toe up vanilla sock with afterthought heel to preserve the stripes. I got cast on during a two hour webinar at work the other day. The yarn is very fine but lovely to work with.

I managed to slip this over my toe for fit. Right now it’s sitting at zero ease so I know it will fit. These may just be slouchy around the house socks!

Happy Knitting!!

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