Knitting, Legos and Zoos

Our local Zoo has a traveling Lego exhibit that is teaching about animals and conservation. We found a nice breezy 70 degree day and took the kids for a zoo trip!

Of course I had to take my Penguin Socks and take a photo with the polar bears! These socks have not grown much but progress is progress. The legos were super cool and they had signs that told us how many bricks they took. Fun fact…..its THOUSANDS.

Also, I nicked my finger cutting veg the other day so that has hindered my knitting slightly. Keeping a Band-Aid on help some but I can’t wait for it to heal.

Happy Knitting!!

1 thought on “Knitting, Legos and Zoos

  1. Pingback: Knitting, Legos and Zoos | Matthew 7:15 KJV Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

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