A Rose In Two Form

The Frosted Rose yarn is all plied. Both the on purpose skein and the extra mini I ended up with.

I did have the partial bobbin left that I spun into a chain ply (right). It turned out to be a decent sized mini skein! I did get these wound off the bobbins and into a bath this weekend. And it’s SO HUMID here that they are taking forever to dry.

I think I will move them downstairs to near my dehumidifier in my laundry room?

Happy Spinning!!

Plying Roses

More on the spinning marathon from last weekend. I started plying my Roses singles as the shadows started to get super long.

These singles plied fairly well. I did have some thin spots where I had to rejoin as I was plying. And FOR SURE there are some thick spots disburse in this yarn. But overall I was happy with the yarn that came out. It’s still unwashed so I have zero clue what it came out to. I really need to get to this weekend for the washing and whacking.

Oh, and I was TOTALLY right about the uneven bobbins. I had so much left on the second bobbin. I didn’t feel like messing around so I chain plied this last little bit to make a mini skein. Silver lining I guess?

Finished skeins next week! Happy Spinning!!

Two Sets of Rose Singles

It took most of a sunny afternoon on my parents porch, but the rose colored singles are done!

Just eyeballing these two, I don’t think I split the fiber super well as one bobbin is bigger than the other. But I could be wrong and one is packed tighter? I need to let these singles rest and then I can start plying.

Still committed to a 2-ply for this project. And thanks to summer starting and remote work….we extended our stay and I was able to add a second day of spinning and babysitting 🙂

Happy Spinning!!

Porch Spinning

After spinning on my patio on Saturday I escaped to my parents house for Sunday brunch and babysitting. This meant I spent ALL DAY on the patio working on spinning project.

I focused one spinning the second half of my rose colored singles. It was a breezy 72 degree day and I didn’t have to adult at all. One item that occurred to me, it’s been quite a bit of time since I spun the first half. So this yarn could be quite unique.

Or it could be unique due to the rose colored wine my mom serve me? Only plying will tell!

Rosy Singles

I finally got myself to focus a wee bit and therefore finished the first half of the singles for my Frosted Roses handspun.

This is 2 ounces of singles that vary WIDLY from lace to fingering weight. I did not control this spin super well. But there were days and weeks between spinning sessions so that it bound to happen.

Now I should get the second 2 ounces started so I don’t get second bobbin syndrome! And perhaps a manicure as I see how badly my nails need TLC right now, lol.

Happy Spinning!!