My Wishlist for 2016

Happy New to all!!!

My knitting time is sparse and precious with an active toddler in the house. Therefore I want to only work on projects that make me happy and that I can’t put down. I hate to call these goals because I hate not achieving goals. So I’m making a wishlist to help me combat my urge to CAST ON ALL THE THINGS and keep myself motivated in the new year.

  1. Keep plugging on my Garter Rainbow Blanket
  2. Start a baby blanket for my very best friend and her baby to be in some deep stash Knit Picks Biggo. Probably something in checkerboard to coordinate with his/her older sister.
  3. Finish my Momma Vertebrae before Spring
  4. Work on my Cashmere Ribbed Socks in Dream in Color Smooshy because every knitter needs cashmere on their feet
  5. Knit two pairs of socks for my husband
  6. Knit at least one vest this year
  7. Knit at least one more cardigan before winter.
  8. Knit one sweater for Jellybean for next winter
  9. Knit preemie hats for charity
  10. Knit some tube socks for Jellybean

Alright, that’s my Top Ten. Let’s see how I do, lol. 

WIP Wednesday: Flying North Socks

My Flying North Socks have plugged right along. Sock number one is complete!

These have been very soothing knitting for my sad heart of late. I’m almost done with sock number two.  

I’ve just the ribbed cuff and afterthought heel left to complete. So just a couple of evenings and these will be done! Then I can bank more points for the 2015 Pigskin Party with Down Cellar studio.

The yarn isn’t the softest but is making a nice sturdy fabric. I’m hoping these make hard wearing socks! Also I’ve done a 60% afterthought heel instead of 50% and I think that is providing a better fit. Final judgment on that to come later…

Happy Knitting!

Merry Christmas to All

I must have been a very good girl this year!

Size 9 US glass needles with rose tips from Knitting Dharma.

Knitty Sock 2 by Two Windows Dye Company in a semi-solid purple color. This is a new to me dyer from my home state of Kansas!

And last but not least

The Joy of Socks by Linda Kopp! And the best part my mother-in-law did this all without even asking for a hint!

All jokes aside, I wish everyone a safe and merry Christmas. I’m off to go watch the magic of Christmas through my toddlers eyes! Knitting can wait because babies do not ❤️ 

Happy Knitting and Merry Christmas!

A Finished Snugbug

This sweater has been done for a bit but I haven’t had a chance to blog about it. Jellybean’s Snugbug is ready for winter!

Pattern: Snugbug by Taiga Hilliard Designs

Yarn: Knit Picks Brava Bulky in Red

Needles: 8 US

Size: 12-24 months

Mods: none 

Jellybean approves and even helps put it on before car rides! This was a crazy fast knit and only took about four evenings. I did get some laddering on the arms with the double pointeds that was disappointing. But Jellybean doesn’t seem to mind. I’ve got a ton of Brava bulky in my stash so Jellybean will probably get another possibly in navy. 

Another FO: Wool Free Vanilla Socks

The FO’s are are going to be coming hard and fast this week. I feel like i’m finishing right and left these days. Of course that is what happens when you have a million things on the needles at once and the attention span of a squirrel. Eventually you get a lot done!

Today’s winner… Wool Free Vanilla Socks

Pattern: My own vanilla 68 stitch toe up vanilla sock with 50% afterthought heel

Yarn:  Premier Yarns Wool Free Sock Stripes

Needles: US 1s

I had an utter failure in checking the dye lots at the time of purchase. I guess I was high on yarn fumes and the call of the clearance bin was too much. I’m in love with the brighter sock and not as in love with the duller sock. But the bright side is that my Aunt saw these being knit and remarked on how much she loved them. I guess a certain someone is going to get an extra special birthday present!

Now I need to grab more sock yarn to fill my needles….I need another pair of auto pilot knitting vanilla socks!

Happy Knitting!!

Winning at Sweater Knitting

My fingers have done the flying and thanks to a few late nights and an early Christmas trip to the inlaws the sweater of doom is done!

It still needs a good blocking to the collar and sides to smooth things out but it’s DONE!

Pattern:  Cuff to Cuff Sweater by Julie Farmer

Yarn: Berroco Vintage (456 grams or 996 yards)

Size: It’s been so long and I’ve lost my notes that I’m not sure

The best part? I finished this before the WIP interception deadline in the Down Cellar Studio Pigskin Party 2015. I’m pretty happy with the overall project but I’m not 100% happy with my seaming. You can see that left is worse than the right in the photo above. I had trouble matching up my bars when doing my mattress stitch late at night.

But for now I’m going to wrap up in this cozy knit and count my 25 interception points!!

Happy Knitting!!

The Project of Loathing

I really wanted a blanket on the needles this winter. I do so love snuggling under a warm winter project while the snow is swirling outside. Thus I cast on my Knitted Chevron Baby Blanket in a rainbow theme with some Homespun from DEEP stash.

It’s a pretty straight forward garter stitch chevron blanket. Back in November I started with red and only got three rows done and it’s been sitting ever since.

I just don’t like it and I have tried really hard to like it. The texture of the homespun obscures the pattern. It’s incredibly hard to “read” as I knit. I have zero desire to pick this up. So this iteration is going to the frog pond. But I really want to use this yarn in a blanket! Stitch definition is going to be a problem so I was leaning towards a straight up garter rectangle with the rainbow colors progressing in order.  Though I really feel that a baby blanket needs a distinct border to look a little more polished and finished.

I have black yarn in Homespun so I could outline the rainbow square to set off the colors. Perhaps I could work a small seed or moss stitch black section at the beginning and end of the blanket. Then pick up and knit the long sides of the blanket log cabin style. Or maybe it should be ribbing instead of seed stitch? 

Any thoughts from the blogging world?

FO Friday: Mini Thermal Vest

I felt inspired by the Down Cellar Studio Pigskin Party 2015 and the WIP interception for November/December and I really got my butt in gear on Jellybean’s Mini Thermal Vest. And now it’s done!

Pattern: Mini Thermal Vest by Clair Russell

Size: Large (12-24 mo)

Needles: US 9

Yarn: Knit Picks Shine Worsted in black 

I caught a sinus infection and was home from work on Monday and just flew through the rest of this project. I used a little over three skeins of yarn or 230.3 yards (153 grams) of yarn. So I earned  17 points for yardage and 25 points for the WIP interception contest for a whopping 42 points total! I’m not growing to win on total points but it’s nice to see them stack up.

I haven’t tried this on Jellybean yet but it’s washed and blocked. I think this may get wrapped up for under the Christmas tree!

Happy Knitting!

Fly Fingers Fly

I’ve been staying up WAY too late at night but I’m determined to get my Cuff to Cuff sweater done by Christmas. I got through the final side and sleeve and got the sweater on the blocking boards!

(I measured carefully and blocked the back and fronts to the same length for seaming purposes.) After a good soak in Soak wool wash I put a fan on this overnight. And whoosh….it was dry!

I’m going to seam up the sides tonight and get the collar/bands picked up. I’m going with the pick up 3 then skip one method for the edging. That will be just shy of 300 stitches on the needles. And then it’s just 5 inches of seed stitch between me and a FO. All in the next 8 days….ack!

Wish me luck!