Meet Multi The Beta

Jellybean recently turned 7 and we decided to give him a fish and fish tank setup. All went well and he was super surprised on his big day. Unfortunately that fish, called Aries, didn’t last 48 hours. Jellybean was crushed but was willing to learn from our care mistakes.

So I would like to introduce to you, Multi the Beta. He is a male beta of some species I can’t remember. But he is a series of vibrant colors so Jellybean decided Multi was suiting for a multi-colored fish.

We are a couple days in and our water is now optimal. So fingers crossed we get some decent time with Multi. Oh the adventures of having pets and navigating parenting!

One Advent Heel

I followed where my mojo was leading and I focused on the heel of my first Advent Sock #3.

The heel turn went pretty smooth and I’m now cruising up the leg. I am considering pausing this sock and switching to the second sock to get it’s heel put in. Really lean into the tandem plan for the socks.

Happy Knitting!!

Bonus Tomatoes and Happy Habaneros

The hubs and I have been completely ignoring the garden assuming it was done for the summer. And we happened to poke around the foliage and found some surprise tomatoes!

We did know our pepper plants were doing well. We are still harvesting occasional poblanos, lots of jalapenos and some super hot habaneros.

I really really love all the different shades of color we are getting. I think I’m going to let these babies go until first frost, fingers crossed!

Socks At The Capital

I have been trying to get away from desk and the temperatures are finally dipping below 85.90 degrees therefore I have brought back lunchtime knitting walks. I have mapped out a 1 mile, 1.5 mile and 2 mile circuit. Most of the involve walking around the Kansas State Capital building, which is a gorgeous.

My Advent Socks #3 have progressed nicely. I am starting the toe up gusset heel on my first sock. I do occasionally have to stop walking to check my stiches or look to see if I’m ready for a increase.

I may only grab 30 or 34 minutes to myself but it really has made a difference on how fast these socks are growing. I can add several row even on a short walk! I am feeling all the mojo to get the heels done on this project.

Happy Knitting!!

Knitting On The Plaza

My work life has been bonkers lately and shows no sign of easing up. I was having a particularly bad day so I got up from my desk and took myself downtown to the community plaza with my Advent Socks #3.

The sun was shining and the Adirondack chair was comfy. I did have a little sweat bee friend try to make friends with my brightly colored project bag, lol. I took 30 minutes to myself, listened to a podcasts and just knit in peace.

Definitely need to do that more often! Happy Knitting!!

Rainbowing Along

My Garter Rainbow wrap has reached its full width and I’m on to the second color!

I made it to 102 stitches when I decided that was wide enough. I was also honestly tired of doing increases, lol. But now it will be just endless garter with i-cord edging. Perfect for nighttime TV knitting and my tired mom brain.

The changing colors is keeping me engaged in this project. I keep thinking “I’ll just work until the next color change.” I have a goal of finishing this by Halloween, no particular reason why I just wanted to make a goal.

Happy Knitting!!

Two Tiny Sock Toes

Slowly but surely I have two tiny toes complete. I decided to work my Advent Socks #3 in tandem, but on two different needles. The first color is complete and I’m just starting the second color.

The first color is reads very fall to me. It is a blend of pinks, browns and greens that makes me smell crisp red fall apples. The next color up is a variegated green that I think transitions nicely. It gets crazy after that as I see some purple poking through. These will be patchwork socks for sure.

Happy Knitting!!

Cast On: The Weekender #2

I did some soul searching about my Mycroft. It has been on the needles with approximately 10 rows knit since November 2020. I just never felt like working on it. So I frogged it, life is too short to knit project that don’t speak to you.

I ripped out all the Malabrigo and decided to make a second Weekender by Andrea Mowry. This time in a bigger size than my first one. I like and wear my first one but I want a cozier and slouchier version. Plus the pattern is easy and having been through it once before, I know the ropes. I need easy in my life!

I have my yarn caked, needles pulled and project bag organized. All that is left is to rewatch a tubular cast on video and have some uninterrupted time to get the hems on the needles. After that it’s just sweater round and round!

Happy Kniting!!

Cast On: Easy Crochet Blanket

My next cast on is a strategic stash busting project that will hopefully earn a lot of points in the Down Cellar Studio Pigskin Party KAL. I had a lot of baby-ish colors of Caron Simply Soft kicking around in my stash from my early knitting days. I played around with my colors and came up with a sequence of colors that please me.

I’ll begin and end with off white and then have a sequence of colors in the middle. I usually do my crochet using half double crochet stitch. I may go wild and add some eyelets this time?

I pulled out a 7mm hook to start with. I really don’t want to fuss with gauge so I will just start working and see how the fabric develops. If I don’t like it I can rip it out and start over!

Happy Crochet!

Sunshine On My Blanket

As promised, I did find some space and time to lay out my Sock Yarn Memory Blanket. Grass is a little dry as we haven’t had much rain but the sun was glorious and made the colors really pop.

Before my latest KAL started this month I managed to add seven new squares to the blanket before it went back into hibernation. (The blanket won’t earn me any points as I won’t finish it during the knit a long). Pretty decent progress on such a long term WIP

I am running high on variegated scraps and low on solid scraps. So I may need to dig around in bag to balance out the look I’m shooting for. I am also fairly low on self striping leftovers as well. But all that is a decision for future Rachelle!

Happy Knitting!!