From Batt to Singles

The two ounces of this wee little bat didn’t take me long to get spun into singles. I have a finished bobbin of singles all ready to spend 24 hours in timeout.

I feel like a I have strong singles with good enough twist that I feel comfortable winding this off into a center pull ball. I will get out my tensioned lazy kate and ball winder to make my cake. But that is tonight’s task!

Happy Spinning!!

Sunflower State

A local bank in my area planted a sunflower patch and let people come use the field for free photos. It was 100 degrees and the kids were SUPER good sports.

Jellybean is wearing shorts, I promise! He has grown 2 inches over summer and nothing fits. Meanwhile PB decided to wear her flower girl dress from a recent family wedding. Different strokes for different folks I guess?

But I’m never going to regret having this sweet photo!

Batt Obsessed

I finished my little 3-ply recently and I couldn’t help but pull out the other Moonstone Dyeworks batt that I had ordered and got it on the wheel.

This is another custom made batt that has a mix of rambioullet, merino and a bunch of other fiber content. This is really spinning very easily and I find that I don’t mind spinning from the batt.

I don’t think I plan to spin this into a 3 ply and shoot for a 2-ply instead. I will spin all the fiber on to a single bobbin and then wind the bobbin off into a cake. With the end goal of spinning from both ends of the cake. That way I use up all the singles with no leftovers.

Happy Monday and happy spinning!!

FO Friday: Connections Beanie (Dark)

My Connections Beanie (Dark) is off the needles, washed and blocked. It turned out not too shabby!

Pattern: Connections Beanie by Susan Lobos Garcia (Rav Link)

Yarn: The Shepherd’s Mill 2-ply sport in Light Yellow and Aqua

Needles: US 4 and 5

Mods: One accidental error in the colorwork chart that I consciously chose not to go back and fix.

The crown decreases went fairly well. I had a few tension problems around the centered decreases. But after all the trials around this hat I just wanted to be done. This dark version of the pattern is the smaller size so this hat technically fits me it is definitely better suited for PB or Jellybean.

I would knit this pattern again, but I think I need a break to get over my frustrations around this version. Totally on me as the knitter and not an issue of the pattern. Happy Friday and Happy Knitting!!

Super Fast 3-ply

My wee little batt spun up very quickly as predicted! I had time this week to finish the singles and start the 3-ply. I only let my singles rest about 12 hours but I haven’t seen that cause any problems…yet.

My finished skein is a very energetic 3-ply and is super twisting back on itself. Again some of this will wash out. The skein is also very tiny so I don’t predict having many yards in this but I loved the process of this so much.

My plying wasn’t too shabby. I had a few pig tails sneak in but looking at the yarn I can see I got a nice high twist yarn that is (mostly) uniform. Now I’m off to wash a whole bunch of handspun!

Happy Spinning!!

Energetic Corriedale

I have my blue Corriedale off the bobbins and ready for a nice wool bath.

This two ply is really energized as you can see the skeins are twisting back on themselves. I can tell I really put some extra twist into these skeins as I plied. I will lose some of this overtwist/energy when I was them.

And I can confirm that these skeins will be heavy worsted to maybe a light bulky weight yarn. The corriedale is not next to skin soft but I am interested to see if this softens any after washing. Happy Spinning!!

Spinning My First Batt

After getting the Corriedale off the wheel this past weekend I felt the itch to start some of the small batts I purchased recently from Moonstone Dyeworks. I decided to start the purple-ish one.

This is a custom blend that is mostly Rambioullet but has some mohair, nylon and merino. I can feel some longer staple fibers every once in awhile. Overall its been very pleasant to spin.

I have achieved relatively thin and consistent singles for this spin. I have a plan to 3-ply these singles using chain ply. I will end up with a very small skein doing this method as this fiber is only two ounces in total.

This spinning project is really hitting the sweet spot in my brain and I kind of don’t want to stop. I forecast this being a super quick project! Happy Spinning!!

Plying and Coca Cola

Confession, this blog post is brought to you by two snacks and Hotel Translyvania. I had to distract my children in order to get my Corriedale singles plied on Sunday.

I turned a podcast on in my headphone, grabbed an ice cold coca cola and set to plying. I really really enjoy having my Ashford lazy kate. It’s really helping me to keep better tension on my singles and make a more consistent plied yarn.

By looking at my bobbins, I think this will be a heavy worsted finished yarn. This took about two hours and my finished yarn filled two bobbins. I have those resting before I skein them off for their wash and set. It’s set to be a pretty crazy week so I’m not sure when I will carve out that time, but I’m interested to see how these skeins turn out!

Happy Spinning!!

Resting Blue Corriedale

Chipping away at my spinning turned out to be the best motivation. I now have two full bobbins of my blue Corriedale complete!

Each of these bobbins holds 4 ounces of the total 8 ounces of roving I had. Theoretically I will have equal amounts and it will be super easy to make a 2-ply. However, I know that this fiber was a little felted/compacted and I wasn’t super successful at keeping my singles consistent.

I plan to let these bobbins rest for about 24 hours and see if I can sneak some spinning time in over the weekend, fingers crossed! Happy Spinning!!

Sunset Knitting

The hubs and I cleaned up after a thunderstorm rolled through this week and we had some scraps to get rid of. Even though its 1,000 degrees I convinced my husband to start the firepit with me and sit outside after the kids went to bed. I even popped open a bottle of champagne to watch the bats come out to eat all the mosquitos!

My UniZebraCorn Vanilla Socks are swimming right along. I am past where the heel will be installed so I think I am now officially in the leg part of the sock. My plan is to knit until it feels right to start the ribbed cuff and then knit the cuff in the self-striping yarn.

Happy Knitting!!