Yes…I Took Pictures of My TV

I’ve been plugging away on my resurrected Mothers Day shawl. I’m almost done with the garter section!

I’ve been knitting and binging on Gilmore Girls (I never watched it when it aired originally). This show is really speaking to me both a kid who went through college at the time and now as a mother. Plus it’s just plain campy and fun. And oh boy….they have a knitting episode!!! Knit! People Knit!! Is season 7 episode 9. And yes I took photos of my favorite scenes 😜

The show had some characters actually knitting and some faking it. But they didn’t make knitting the butt of too many jokes so I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Happy Knitting!!

A New To Me Yarn

I’ve been listening to the Prairie Girls Knit and Spin podcast for about a year now. They are seriously funny lady and excellent crafters. Danie also runs the One Twisted Tree shop, a purveyor of fine yarn and other wonderful accessories. I’ve felt her yarn calling my name but I resisted until my blanket obsession took over. Then this happened…

That’s the Splash Pad Party mini skein set Danie made for the Down Cellar Studio summer KAL. The colors are great and I get to sample her yarn!

I also picked up a sock knitter profile bag. Because hey why not!

Just don’t tell my husband I bought more yarn….😊

Yet Another Blanket Update

My Memory Blanket is still growing!

I’ve added almost another entire row this week. Yes, I’m still stealing from full skeins of yarn to be able to keep working. I may have also ordered more mini skeins, but that’s a discussion for another day. For now I’m just going to admire the precious…

Happy knitting!! 

WIP Resurrection 

Look what I found in the WIP bin in the basement…

I pulled my Mother’s Day cast on project from hibernation. This is the Old Man Of Storr shawlette. I’m still in the garter section trying to get to 52 garter ridges. I’m around 38 last I counted. The yarn is heavenly to touch and the garter is soothing. But as is the case with most center out shawls….the rows are getting longer and longer. This shall be a test of my patience!

Happy Knitting!!

WIP Wednesday: Roller Rink Disco Vanilla Socks

I have a HO! My first Roller Rink Disco vanilla socks is finished!

The yarn is beautiful and the fabric so yummy to the touch! I did my personal standard 68 stitch sock on US 1s. I attended an all day lecture series on Inspirin Women in Leadership. It was a great conference but a lot of sitting and listening. So I whipped out my sock to keep my hands busy and mind clear. I finished the first and cast on the second while there. But I had one niggling problem….

I’m not sure why but my guage is much smaller and the negative ease of this is INSANE! It barely fits and is very snug on my leg. I also have a ton of yarn left. I hemmed and hawed for a day or so before I just plowed on with sock #2.

These are just fated to be Christmas socks for my sister. That’s all there is to it. And I have enough yarn left over to make a shorty sock or yoga sock for myself. Just going with the win-win on this one…

Happy Knitting!!

Blanket Obsession Update

The Memory Blanket is still growing!

I’m not sure why I have such a drive to work on this. I know in my knitterly brain that this is a long haul project and it will likely take months or years to finish to a decent size. But the square are just so satisfying!

Enough of this blather as I’m sure you are tired of it. Just enjoy the picture of the pretty precious!

Happy Knitting!

WIP Wednesday: Roller Rink Disco Socks

The Roller Rink Disco socks have felt the love lately!

I’ve completed the foot and turned the gusset heel. I’m really becoming fond of this yarn and the color. The short color sections really blend oranges, pinks, and purples into something eye pleasing. And the fabric has a lovely hand to it.

I’m now torn as to how to finish the leg. I’m leaning towards a 2×2 rib instead of my normal stockinette leg with ribbed cuff. Just thinking about it to switch things up. With the added bonus that these might be a smidge small and the ribbing will forgive a lot of sins!

Happy Knitting!!

FO Friday: Camo Vanilla Socks

The Camo Vanilla socks are done done done!! A nice way to kick off a very rainy morning.

Pattern: 72 stitch toe up vanilla sock with gusset heel

Yarn: Cascade Heritage Prints

Needles: US2 9 inch circa

The joy of the FO and another Christmas project was slightly dampened by the fact that they are not exactly the same. Close enough that only I will notice that the second sock is a stitch or two smaller than the first. Le sigh….

On to my next pair!!

A Nice Surprise

I listen to a lot of podcasts and read a lot of blogs. And therefore I enter giveaways from time to time. I never really think I’m going to win but sometimes I get s nice surprise. 

Awhile back the 2knitlitchicks had a giveaway sponsored by Dragonfly Fibers to celebrate their Masterpiece Knits collection. And I won! A copy of the collection and skein of Damsel in the Earth and Green color.

The patterns are clever and beautiful. The patterns definitely contain skills that will stretch my abilities. But I think I’m up for the challenge! And the yarn….

It’s so rich and lovely. I just want to pet it for days! Just goes to show that you never know what surprises await if you just give it a try!

Happy Knitting!