WIP Wednesday: Jellybean’s Hexi-ghan

I only thought I was done….


My blanket for jellybean is just slightly off of a square. I know it will stretch some when washed and blocked. But I really want more of a long rectangle.

Argh, that means at least one more row right when I thought I was done. Must knit faster… Only 5 weeks to go!

Happy Knitting!!!

Saturday Night Snuggles

I’m *fingers crossed* down to my last row of jellybean’s blanket!! Then it gets a good soak and blocking to flatten out those hexigons!. I have yarn left over so in considering a single crochet or some other basic edging to go around the outside to give it a more polished look?

In the mean time my snuggle bunny and I have some knitting to do!!



Who needs socks when you have a fur blanket!? Lol

Happy Knitting!!

FO Friday: Summer Canning

My feet and I survived our canning session last weekend!

What were my spoils you ask?

– 11 pints of brown sugar/cinnamon apple sauce
– 5 full pints and 11 1/2 pints of apple jelly


And 16 glorious pints of tomato sauce!!


I’d still like to put up more salsa and tomato sauce but that will be schedule and pregnancy permitting. Just going with the flow at this point!

What’s in your canner lately?

Nursery Additions

While I consider myself very crafty…I’m not very artistic. Like not at all, lol. I knew what kind of nursery I wanted. Lots of warm browns, greens, and yellows. I just love those colors together and we don’t know what Jellybean is (boy/girl) I thought that would make a warm and inviting nursery.

So far we have picked furniture with either dark black/brown or cherry finish. Not everything is matchy/matchy. And I love the “home” feel of it so far. Everything coordinates but isn’t all the same either. The walls were already a nice warm tan color so bonus of no painting!! (I most definitely hate painting, lol). My momma aka Grandma is making coordinating curtains and bassinet layette from fabric we picked out. All that left me was the wall decor.

So to Etsy I went and what a deep rabbit hole I found! I don’t really have a traditional theme in mind like monkeys/owls/etc. I just wanted a mix of photos, fabrics, and art pieces that represent the hubby and I and what we want for Jellybean. After much deliberation…..I found my wall art. And I’m now sharing with you!

First up, a homage to my husband’s love of music…and second a little love shout out to Jellybean….


Music Scale Vinyl Decal


I Love You To the Moon and Back


Metal Music Wall Art


Metal Play Wall Art


Metal Sing Wall Art

Now I am anxiously tracking and awaiting the arrival of these packages!! Then hopefully with the help of the hubby I can get them hung and share some nursery FO photos with you guys!!

I’m curious. Did you choose a specific theme for your nurseries or did you just go with the flow?

Sweater For Fall

I’m less than two months away from Jellybean’s arrival and I find that pregnancy has fired up my urge “KNIT ALL THE THINGS”. I’m almost done with Jellybean’s blanket. Only one more row to go and then a simple crochet edging and it’s done!!

Yeah yeah…I have two pairs of socks on the needles for #sockswithsarah. And I haven’t really touched them except for a stitch here and there. I’ve been really busy nesting in my nursery, cooking tomato sauce, making apple jelly, and having some alone time with the hubby before Jellybean gets here.

I perused my Ravelry cue looking for an easy to wear open front sweater. Something I can throw over a long sleeve tee in winter or tank in the spring! And I found the Cuff to Cuff Sweater by Julie Farmer.


(Photo: © Coats & Clark)

I love this sweater for so many reason not least of it will be forgiving to my post baby body as I adapt to being a mom, lol. This sweater was Knit ‘n Style in 2012 and I’ve had my eye on it since. I have some smushy Berroco Vintage in a lovely teal/blue color burning a whole in my stash. I picked up a sweaters worth at a LYS closeout sale last year for a steal.

Any change to get this done before Jellybean…who knows? I’m not stressing about it. Everything will get done eventually. Just need to take good pattern notes along the way in case it takes a longer than expected time out!

One downside to this project….the yarn is not caked. Sigh, time to break out the yarn swift and ball winder. So much winding to do before I can put yarn on needles!!!

Apples and Worms

My apple tree set like gangbusters this year. Unfortunately I didn’t get it treated in time earlier this spring due to my morning sickness and the worms have done a number on my apples. There are still a number of good apples. Just going to take a little extra time to peel and trim away the bad parts.

I don’t think they will be in good enough shape for apple pie or apple pie filling. But good news…I think they will be just perfect for apple jelly. And after my last experiment in apple jelly, I have a few tweaks I’d like to try!

I’ve picked a five gallon bucket of green apple goodness. They are now cooling their heels in the fridge. Now I just have to wash, core, trim, and slice a five gallon bucket of apples….crap. Didn’t I just process 8 gallons of tomatoes yesterday? I must be a glutton for culinary delicious punishment.

I’ll let you know how everything sets up! Hehe, see what I did there? I love a good pun! That or the delirium has set in 🙂

I promise to get back to knitting content soon! I have another update on Jellybean’s blanket coming, a #sockswithsarah update, and one last sweater WIP I want to work on before Jellybean gets here!!

The Day of The Tomato

My family has a ridiculously large garden. And I’m blessed to reap the rewards. Right now I have 8 gallon bags of frozen home grown delicious tomatoes in my freezer. Ripe and ready to hit the sauce pot. And that is literally just the tip of the iceberg so to speak of what the plants produced.

I learned how to cook, season, and can my own tomato sauce and salsa last summer. And boy….let me tell you how delicious that was all winter to have yummy jars to cook into my casseroles and crock pot!

Jellybean is growing and growing so I don’t quite have the get up an go of last summer. But my plan is to work slow and steady today with lots of water and sitting breaks. All so I can convert those juicy tomatoes into sauce. It’s a rough day when your food cravings crash against your swollen pregnancy feet, lol.

Wish me luck! I hope to have some good foodie photos to show when I’m done 🙂

Motorcycle Adorable

I had my first baby shower this past weekend and it was amazing. It was a small gathering for just my family. The party was hosted by my younger cousins who once upon a time were my flower girls in my wedding. Oh how time flies! I just had to share my favorite and cutest gift. This adorable diaper motorcycle was made by a dear family member. How ridiculously sweet is this thing?IMG_0197.JPG IMG_0198.JPG IMG_0199.JPGShe managed to squeeze in a package of diapers, burp rags, pacifiers, socks bottles, baby wash, lotion, and baby bibs. I’m so in love this that I couldn’t bear to take it apart. Right now it sits on top of the nursery dresser for me to admire every time I pass by. Only two more months until Jellybean’s arrival! Time to put nesting into high gear…. Happy Friday!!

Dining Chair Renovation

When we moved into our home last year we were gifted an amazing dining room table and chairs from my aunt and uncle who had a spare. It was perfect for our home except for one small detail…the seats were white!IMG_0194.JPG   No one wanted to sit on them for fear of getting them dirty! So between my nesting in high gear and 60% off sale of upholstery fabric at Joanns…I give you the transformation! IMG_0196.JPG Not so bad if I do say so myself! The fabric is still neutral to fit the room but a much darker shade. Not to mention much easier maintenance and cleaning! IMG_0195.JPG So I have officially completed two of six chairs…four more to go. Not sure if my hands can handle it! Look at how many silly staples the manufacturer uses…sheesh! IMG_0201.JPGHave anyone else every adventured in upholstery?