Dueling Dogs

The kiddos and I tried to take a weekend trip to the grandparents. By my van’s alternator had other plans and we broke down halfway there. Silver lining? Spencer’s godfather and his family rescued us and put us up while the mechanic fixed the van. So we had a perfectly lovely weekend letting our kids get to know each other and Duke found a new playmate!

Mavis a lovely chocolate brown lab and made a picture perfect contrast to my yellow lab. They utterly exhausted each other!

I sure do love puppies!!

Interrupted Knitting

I am making decent enough progress on my purse knitting, which is my Emotional Support Socks. I was working on them and set them down to grab some water. Only to come back to find Duke using them as a pillow. I didn’t have the heart to move him.

I have this goal of getting these socks finished before the Christmas holiday. I am just ready to move on to another skein of pretty yarn. Maybe even something in a heavier weight like sport or DK?

But that probably means I need to keep the pup off them and they would get done faster! Happy Knitting!!

A Curveball

Knitting today has been postponed on account of dog cuddles. Dex got a raging ear infection and ensuing swelling from head shaking required minor surgery on his ears. Doc got him all cleaned up and it’s healing nicely but I’m putting down the needles to cuddle my fur baby!


Ps. He hates the ear sleeve……

The Dreaded Cone

My poor fur baby got a little too rambunctious at the park the other day and opened up his foot. Despite our best at home care a visit to the vet was necessary. Dex COULD not wait to leave the vet!

But it was probably due to the dreaded cone. That face!!! With salve and antibiotics he should be right as rain in a week. (And stop knocking stuff over with his satellite dish, lol.)

He’s just going to need a little extra TLC!

A Dogs Life


We took Dex to the local dog day care for a day (I know we are now spoiling him rotten) as a reward for being a good fur brother to Jellybean. He LOVES it and came home so exhausted he almost fell sleep sitting up. I guess learning to doggy slide is hard work!

Oh how I wish I could have watched him play! What do you do to spoil your fur babies?