Soaking In The Last Of Summer

I snapped this photo a week or so ago. I was soaking in the last heat wave before temperatures started falling towards more Midwestern Fall appropriate range. We had a week of 95 degree plus temperatures and I was melting outside with the kids as they swang and swam merrily along.

I decided to do a little self care after the kids went to bed I headed back to the kiddie pool with wine, a good true crime podcast and SOLITUDE. I spent 45 minutes floating and watching the sunset. No one was screaming “MOMMY!!” or climbing all over me. I may have scared the neighbors with my true crime obsession but I came out the other side much more relaxed.

Happy Self Care!!

I Can’t Even

You guys….I CAN’T EVEN! I’m in full geek out mode. One of my favorite YouTube podcasts, Knitting Vicariously, highlighted one of my FOs on her show!! I was minding my own business one Sunday evening and I got an email saying Caroline aka Dunderknit had ear burned me in a Raverly post. Lo and behold she had linked to me in her show notes!

She liked my Kindness KAL 2019 shawl (and she doesn’t normally like shawls) and highlighted it from her actual knits thread on Ravelry. It’s probably a crazy thing to get excited by as I normally don’t care what people think of my knits but I was really really excited to have someone else love this as much as I do.

To me this was the equivalent of having the Yarn Harlot compliment you on your tension or yarn choice. I geeked out hard and both my parents and husband kind of patted me on the head and told me good job. But I know you guys would understand my squee reaction!

Now I just need to come down off my cloud and get back to knitting!!


A Podcast That Speaks To Me

During this last round of germy sick days I may or may not have binged a bunch of podcasts while I left my family to fend for themselves. I mean, it was kind of me to keep my germs to myself right? Well, I found one podcast that really hit all the right notes for me. It’s the Vicariously Knitting Podcast by Dunderknit.  She’s a knitter in London with a stash that makes me absolutely drool. Shes a fantastic knitter, great storyteller and swears like a sailor. Seriously….don’t watch this one with littles around.

I feel like if we met in real life that we could be friends. I need to figure out how to teleport to London to be in her knitting group….

Happy Knitting!!