Happy Birthday To Me!!

Today is my birthday and I am choosing to spoil myself! Ice cream cake from Dairy Queen and lots and lots of knitting. Maybe a little family fun with the kiddos or a movie marathon.

I wish every a kickass Saturday! I am rolling on the high of having last Thursday and Friday off of work for an extra long four day weekend.


Filling My Bucket

I turned 35 this past November and I decided to fill my bucket a little. I have a dear friend from college that lives in Portland Oregon whom I rarely get to see. On kind of a whim I snagged some flight deals from Southwest and set up a birthday trip. Just me…no kids, no husbands, no adulting. Just a weekend with old friends to recharge my batteries a bit.

First up….I spotted the famous PDX carpet that has been highlighted by the likes of the Yarn Harlot and has inspired many an indie dyed yarn colorway. Apparently its an institution and I in true tourist fashion snagged a photo.

Right from the airport we grabbed some Cuban food for brunch and did some shopping in the little neighborhood by her house. I snagged some books from Powels, christmas presents for my kiddos and soaked up all the weird that is the Pacific Northwest. That night my friend threw me a personal birthday party in her gorgeous house. We had homemade fish tacos, wine and chocolate peanut butter cake!

The next morning I was served homemade quiche after I slept for a magnificent 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Did I mention my friend’s husband is a classically trained chef? I was in heaven….

After breakfast we did some more shopping and I picked up a new winter coat for PB and I and then my friend took me to a YARN STORE. The store was awesome and it deserves it’s own special post.

On Sunday night before I had to fly out we went out for ramen and Korean BBQ. I had Bibimbap with pulled porkand it was GLORIOUS. Then we met up with a local friend and went to a stand up comedy event that supported LGTBQ charities. We had wine at the show and laughed so hard we cried.

The morning of my flight the grey Oregon skies parted and sent me off with this glorious sunrise. I’m told that this kind of sunrise is rare this time of year so I felt extra special.

And I flew home to my hubby and babies….and an arctic blast. I did get a lot of knitting done while I was on the airplanes and while lounging around the house chatting with my friend. But I think I’ll share all that on separate posts. I was exhausted from all the coming and going but it was worth it. I may or may not be plotting my next trip already….

Cake By Jellybean

Jellybean from time to time likes to bake and cook with me. Sp during his birthday shenanigans we made a birthday cake. We made the cake together and then I added the base coat of chocolate frosting.

He then went to town with every color of frosting, every decorating frosting tip I could round up, and literally every variety of sprinkle we own. He wanted to make it look like “trash” and not the derogatory kind. He was thinking a la Oscar the Grouch. I think he nailed it!

Then he proceeded to grab my phone and take “beautiful” photos of it.  He concentrated SUPER and hard and I stood off to the side laughing till I cried. My kid is something else and I wouldn’t trade him for anything. So I’ll just leave you with a few of his cake glamour shots….

P.S. it was also delicious!

Happy Birthday To Me

My birthday came and went in a flurry of laundry and stomach flu woes. We have had some unseasonable weather her in the Midwest and it’s really reeking havoc on our immune systems….at least in this house.

Nonetheless, my husband asked for some birthday suggestions and I sent him some names of new-to-me yarn dyers that I would like to have something from. He picked Shannon of Mudpunch. She’s Canadian and I hear her mentioned on several Canadian podcasts I listen to. The hubby chose a speckle sock set in her Tundra/Desert colorway.

The yarn has a great hand and the lovely green colors are something I wouldn’t normally choose. I can decide if this needs to be a two color shawl or a pair of socks with contrasting heels/toes/cuffs. I’ve never done the later (on purpose anyway) and the former is still relatively new to me.

I think this yarn needs to ruminate in the stash for awhile! Happy Knitting!!

Happy Birthday To Me!

I’m a lucky girl today! I think I was a good girl because when I asked for yarn for my birthday…I got some!

Meet the precious….

Tough Love Sock from Sweet Georgia in the Stella colorway (via the Loopy Ewe)

Berry Colorful Yarnings Saturated Sock in Bit of Sunshine color (via the Loopy Ewe)

Orbit by String Theory Colorworks in the Cygnus colorway

Entanglement by String Theory Colorworks in their Antimuon color.

I am going to cast on the Orbit into some sport weight socks today as a birthday present to myself ☺️😍

Happy Knitting!!

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today I turn….well let’s just say a respectable number and the hubby rewarded me kindly!

First up, some lovely fragrant flowers!

And then outdid himself with this..

A Hiya Hiya knitting set with small project bag, needle gauge, and 9 inch circs in US1, US2, and US3! I did have to give him a hint by sending him an Amazon wish list as his knitting muggle-ness is quite profound. But he chose very very well! This is my first knitting related present that I didn’t buy myself, lol. 

I think I’m going to cast on some fingerless mitts for myself tonight and put my new tools to use!

Happy Knitting!

I’m definitely crazy…

There are six days to jellybean’s first birthday and I’ve decided to knit a toy for his birthday..

 It’s Tony the Toy Box Monster by Rebecca Danger. I pulled some Knit Picks Brava Bulky in pea pod. I didn’t have size 9s so I’m working on size 8s. The fabric is a bit dense but not unworkable. I’m not sure I’ll have enough to do the entire thing in green so I’m considering purple appendages. Fingers crossed I can get it done in time!

Happy knitting!!

Pardon Me

Pardon me, for I have no knitting today. I’ll pause for the shock and horror……

Last night I had a tremendous opportunity, to sit in a room and spend time with some of the greatest women I know. My Grandmothers’ aunt….yes I said Grandmother…..turned 102 earlier this week. She still lives in her own home and has complete control of her mental faculties. She is a little unsteady on her feet but who wouldn’t be at 102?

Well, my Grandma (80 and proud of it) came for a visit to see her aunt (and two other aunts mind you, still alive and kicking at 90+ years each) and as chauffeur I got stay for dinner and dessert. These ladies came from a family of seven girls and four are sadly gone now. For as long as I can remember my family has called them simply “the sisters”. My Great-Grandma was the eldest (and lived to be 100 1/2). I can still feel her whiskers tickling my face when she would kiss my forehead. And she never did learn to pronounce my name, she would say Ray-shell instead of Rah-shell. Oh, how I miss her 🙂

On this night, I sat mostly off to the side with my knitting and just soaked in the wisdom. These women are strong, funny, and absolutely wise. I pray that I got some of those genes and that someday I can be half as spirited as these ladies at that age. Who says getting old can’t be fun?

So for this reason…I have no knitting update. I can’t remember if I made very many stitches or any at all in between laughing and listening. What I do have is a full heart and great memories of some fantastic ladies.

I now return you to regularly scheduled programming….